7 Physical Exercise Tips to Beat Addiction

7 Physical Exercise Tips to Beat Addiction

Battling any type of addiction is tough – be it food, drugs or alcohol.

It’s been found that exercise can be extremely helpful in dumping bad habits (source).

High intensity exercise in particular, releases brain chemicals such as endorphins and dopamine which are responsible for some of the same artificial ‘highs’ that occur from drugs and alcohol use (source).

These chemicals, released via exercise, help the body deal with the underlying symptoms of anxiety and stress. Symptoms often felt during withdrawals.

It goes without saying that your first point of call, when dealing with any type of addiction, should be your doctor. They can help guide and support you in getting your life back on track.

If you don’t know whether you’re addicted or not, perhaps find out if you are addicted.

The following are 7 exercise tips that you can use to help you deal with the pressures that come with addiction.

1. Morning Exercise

Exercise early in the morning. This will allow you to feel the positive feelings that come from exercise for the rest of the day. Brain chemical releases from exercise will stabilize your moods and make it easier to continue to be proactive.

When we do something that is hard early in the day, we naturally are inclined to continue the momentum and do other ‘healthy’ things.

If I can exercise early in the day

2. Choose Enjoyable Forms of Exercise

It’s hard enough to do any form of exercise for most people. This is why choosing a form of exercise that you at least partly enjoy can make it easier.

If as a kid you enjoyed playing tennis, or basketball, why not consider going back to those forms of exercise as an adult.

If you hate going to the gym as it is, why bother wasting more willpower trying to go there again?

3. Walking Is Key

If you are stuck without any form of exercise, best to keep it super simple. This is one of the many benefits of walking. You don’t need any special apparatus, or gear and you don’t need to pay a gym membership.

The simpler the activity you choose, the more the likelihood that you’d stick with it and reap its benefits. Walking is simple and highly beneficial. You don’t need any special gear, you don’t need to pay any fees and you don’t need a trainer.

When we walk for an extended period, dopamine is released in our brains. It’s the same neurotransmitter that’s released during certain addictive behaviour.

4. Consider Strength Training

Many addicts suffer from insomnia. Without a good night’s sleep, it’s difficult to enjoy life, even for those who are addiction free.

One of the effective ways to combat insomnia is through strength training. Strength training has been shown to help the body deal with the natural ramifications that occur from stress.

You are much less likely to suffer from depression if you partake in consistent strength training sessions (source).

5. Consider Team Sports

We are social creatures. So, there are circles of friendship that can help us thrive and transcend some of our challenges.

The feeling of belonging to a group of people who are rooting for you is awesome and can spill-over into your ability to cope with your addiction. Speak to your local community center to get a better understanding as to what team sports are available in your area.

6. Powerful Yoga

If you think about it, there’s a psychic dimension to everything we do

This is because most of our actions are preceded by our thoughts. So in addition to exercises in the form we are most familiar with in the west, you could also explore one of the most popular imports from the East, Yoga.

Yoga involves meditation and physical exercise.

It’s a rich serving.

In meditation, you are able to explore the real drivers of your actions and you may find a clue to why you’re addicted in the first place.

Yoga helps the release of dopamine, making the experience a pleasurable one. New studies are coming out each year highlighting the benefits of doing yoga on your brain and body (source).

If you’re determined to try something new, try yoga. It could change your life.

7. Get an Accountability Partner

Some of the challenges we face in life, are easier, when we have friends who are in it with us and who hold us accountable. So, you could find others who are struggling with addiction and who are also keen on using exercises as a vital component of their recovery strategy.

The effects of exercising can be dramatic. You just need to be a tad patient and consistent, and soon you will be pleasantly surprised at the progress you’d be making.

Photo Credit: Autumn Goodman

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