Some women develop tumors in the breast with high levels of proteins, which you call NEU or her2. These snowball into her2 cancer or her2 positive breast cancers. If you see the basics, the protein enables and fosters the growth of the breast cells. The mechanism occurs on the exterior side of the cells. You need to remember that the breast cancer cells carrying more than normal or regular her2 levels become HER2 positive. These cancers tend to grow and spread faster than any other type of breast cancer.
Women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer need to go for her2 testing and screening at the earliest. It’s very crucial to be aware of the her2 levels in your body.
Know the basics
The reason why you need to contact the doctor at the earliest is because a her2 cancer has more likelihood to obtain the best results from therapy with combined drugs that target the HER2 protein. The doctor can tell you about the her2 status and the impact it has on your body.
Testing tumors
It’s in your best interests to test the tumors for her2. The doctor takes a sample from the surgery or performs a biopsy of the breast. The next step is to test that with IHC or immunohistochemial stains or FISH process. The latter stands for fluorescent in Situ hybridization. You can check the cytological progress. The specimen research from the biopsy tests also bolsters cancer studies. The breast cancer pathology report also plays a clinical part in this regard.
Test results and directives
Test results for her2 cancer will guide a cancer patient and the concerned cancer support team to take an informed decision about the treatment pathway and associated care. There are qualified breast cancer specialists, who think that the FISH procedure entails more accuracy than the IHC ambit.
Keeping these things in mind FISH is definitely more expensive. It is also a time-honored procedure, which has obtained successful results for many women. Hence, doctors first recommend you to undergo the IHC test so as to economize on the entire treatment.
Pledging cancer support
Almost every women passing through or just out of the disease can take or want some type of support. Cancer is a very hammering phase in the life, which takes a toll on your endurance and thinking. You need people who can give you support and comfort right after your her2 cancer There are dedicated cancer support societies and renowned counselors to help you. The best type and extent of help depends on your situation and personality.
Some people are of the opinion that they feel safe in the company of peer-support associations and education groups. Other survivors or victims would prefer to go for an informal setting, a church or local community gathering. There are some others that may feel comfortable while interacting with a trusted friend or counselor.
Recovery programs cater to both survivors and patients. The idea is to lend you a voice to express your worries or apprehensions.