Dental Emergency Dos and Don’ts

A dental emergency can happen to anybody. Most of the time, they occur because of accidents, but sometimes, poor dental hygiene and long-time neglect lead to one. Whatever the cause of the dental emergency, we all should be ready for it when it comes.

Knowing what to do during a dental emergency is good, but we should also know what not to do. Let’s take a look at some dental emergency dos and don’ts.

Go to the dentist immediately

You can administer first aid in a dental emergency. However, only an emergency dentist can deal with severe emergencies like a knocked-out tooth. Re-implanting a knocked tooth must be done within an hour after the accident, so leave for the dentist’s office ASAP. Any delay lessens the chances of successfully putting it back into its socket.

Don’t touch the root of a knocked-out tooth

Children and adults who play rough are more likely to lose a tooth or two in an accident. It’s comforting to know though that teeth can be re-implanted within an hour of knocking them out of their sockets.

However, picking it up by its root can ruin everything. Touching the root can damage it, so try your best to pick it up by the crown instead. If the tooth has any dirt on it, wash it off with water or milk.

Re-insert the tooth into its socket, if possible

To better the chances of the tooth surviving, try putting it back into its socket. You can keep it from coming out by gently biting on it.

If re-inserting the tooth is not possible, then do everything you can to keep it moist. You can put it inside the mouth and keep it there until you reach the dentist’s office. Dropping it into a glass of milk also works.

Save fragments of a chipped or broken tooth

Knocking out a tooth is one thing. Chipping or breaking one is another. It’s just a good thing dentists can restore both. In the case of the latter, you must save any broken piece you can find.

If there is bleeding inside the mouth, use a piece of gauze to cover the wound until the bleeding stops. You can also apply a cold compress outside the mouth near the affected spot to relieve any pain or swelling.

Don’t use anything sharp to remove objects stuck between teeth

When there’s something lodged between teeth, never use a pin or anything sharp to remove it. You could end up cutting your gums or scratching off the enamel of your teeth.

What you need to do to loosen it up is rinse with mouthwash. Follow it up by flossing to dislodge the object as gently and carefully as possible. If the object is still there, then you need to go to the dentist for help removing it.

Don’t use aspirin as pain reliever if there’s bleeding

Bleeding often accompanies dental emergencies, especially ones caused by accidents. The bleeding could be from your gums, tongue, lips, and soft, fleshy parts of the inside of your mouth. Aside from applying the usual gauze and cold compress, you can also opt to take pain-relieving medication. Steer clear of aspirin since it could make the bleeding worse with its anticoagulant properties.

Have an emergency dental care kit ready

A dental emergency can hit us at any time, so it always pays to be ready for it. Prepare an emergency dental care kit and keep it within reach at all times.

So what should your emergency dental care kit contain?

  • Rubber gloves to keep things sanitary
  • Alcohol wipes
  • Gauze pads or cotton balls
  • Dental floss
  • Pain-relieving medication
  • Plastic tweezers

Comfort your child

Any dental injury can be painful, especially if it happens to a child. You can expect a lot of crying and even panicking on the part of your kid. As a parent, it is your job to comfort and reassure your child that everything will be alright.

The tips above are in no way comprehensive, but they can help you deal with dental emergencies right away. Your trusted dental professional will take care of the rest once you reach his or her office.


Credit to Pixabay for the featured image

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