Acupuncture is a drug-free therapy, which can effectively reduce the side effects of conventional thyroid medications. The side effects of medication are eliminated or dramatically reduced, allowing patients to taper down or discontinue them. The benefits of acupuncture therapy for the thyroid include weight loss, reduced hormone levels, and a decrease in constipation. This therapy is effective, safe, and can provide relief immediately. In some cases, it can be effective even without medications.
Yangming meridian
In traditional Chinese medicine, the treatment for thyroid disease includes a variety of meridians, each of which has a specific function. The meridians are named after various organ systems of the body. For instance, the large intestine has a specific meridian, as does the small intestine. In addition, there are six extraordinary meridians. Because of their subordinate function, these meridians may have a greater effect on the thyroid than other meridians.
Traditional Chinese medicine views the individual’s health as a microcosm of nature and a human meteorological report. It links the five fundamental elements of nature with health and balance through yin and yang. The term “yin” and “yang” actually refers to the sunny and shaded aspects of a hill. The acupuncture meridians have the same meaning: to balance yin and yang with nature.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism
In TCM, symptoms of hypothyroidism are based on the energy field of the patient. During a consultation, the physician may use acupuncture, herbs, or Tai Ji to address the underlying cause of the condition. They may also perform procedures like tongue diagnosis and pulse examination. A trained TCM practitioner will look for a pattern in the fabric of the patient’s body to determine the proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
Thyroid dysfunction can cause numerous health problems, including gallbladder issues, painful periods, low metabolism, and poor fluid transformation. Other internal organs affected by the problem may also be affected. Acupuncture can balance the energy flow and help to alleviate various symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as low libido and excessive weight gain. Acupuncture can also help regulate the function of various organs in the body, including the spleen, kidneys, and liver.
Herbal treatment for Middle jiao Yang deficiency
Chinese medicine considers phlegm a fundamental cause of asthma. Among other things, the qi in the middle jiao, which is the water passage, is controlled by the Lung and Spleen. The Kidney, on the other hand, regulates the water metabolism in the lower jiao. An imbalance between the Yin and Yang in these areas can cause stagnation of the water circulation and accumulation of phlegm. Phlegm is stored in the lung, and recurrent asthma attacks can be a result of this accumulation.
Herbal treatment for Middle Jiao Yang deficiency begins with an accurate diagnosis of the underlying ailment. The symptoms of this disease can be quite diverse, but the underlying ailment is a deficiency in the Middle jiao. If the qi in the stomach is sluggish or turbid, it is most likely that the body is trying to make up for the lack of the Middle Jiao Yang.
Herbal treatment for goiter
Acupuncture and herbal treatment for goiter can help with the symptoms of this condition. Goiter, or swelling of the thyroid gland, is a common symptom of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. While the condition is rarely painful, it can cause several unpleasant symptoms, including trouble swallowing, persistent coughing, and a tight feeling in the throat. While medical intervention is usually the best course of action for treating goiter, simple home remedies can be very effective in alleviating the symptoms and assisting with the recovery process.
Turmeric has multiple beneficial effects, including its ability to treat goiter. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and can be consumed as a spice. Flaxseed is another plant that can treat goiter and is useful for reducing the symptoms of this condition. Ground flaxseeds can be applied to the neck and left for 20 to 25 minutes. These seeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid, a component of fatty acids. They can reduce swelling and relieve psychological stress, but are not recommended for use by themselves without a doctor.
Traditional Chinese medicine treatment for hypothyroidism
For centuries, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been accumulating knowledge and treating various diseases and conditions. Its treatment of hypothyroidism is based on the principle of restoring the Yang Qi. Overexertion and environmental factors are common etiological factors of hypothyroidism. The result is the exhaustion of Yang, and the condition is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as heart palpitations.
In the case of hypothyroidism, menorrhagia is the most common clinical manifestation. The menstrual cycle is often painful and recurrent. A woman suffering from hypothyroidism may experience restless fetal syndrome and impaired hearing. According to Traditional Chinese medicine, menorrhagia is closely associated with a disordered Sea of Blood composed of the Liver and Chong Mai. The disordered Sea of Blood may be the root cause of menorrhagia. Other symptoms of hypothyroidism include a choppy pulse and pale tongue.