Many medical conditions can be treated using laser therapy, including macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt’s Rod/Cone dystrophy, and diabetic neuropathy. In addition, laser therapy is effective for Raynaud’s syndrome, elevated liver enzymes, and brain problems. Acupuncture for eye problems is becoming increasingly popular. Listed below are some of the conditions that can benefit from laser therapy.
Optical atrophy
Optic atrophy or optic neuropathy is a condition whereby the optic nerve is damaged and unable to transmit visual information properly. Optic atrophy can be hereditary, a result of a pre-existing neurological disorder, or caused by an ophthalmic medical mistake. However, there is hope. Acupuncture treatments for optical atrophy may restore some of the person’s vision.
During a recent meta-analysis of studies conducted on acupuncture for optic atrophy, researchers identified nine trials that evaluated the effects of manual acupuncture on the condition. The trials evaluated three different types of acupuncture treatments and a combination of acupuncture methods. Although these findings were mixed, there is still a place for acupuncture in the treatment of patients with this condition. The authors of the meta-analysis suggest that acupuncture may be an effective treatment for patients with the disorder.
The Energetic Health Optic Nerve Atrophy protocol is a proactive treatment plan that addresses a variety of factors, including general health, diet, dietary supplements, and toxins in the home and body. Other factors that need to be considered when deciding whether or not to try acupuncture for optical atrophy are dental history, emotions, and nutrition. Fortunately, acupuncture treatment for optic atrophy can be beneficial for both patients and their doctors.
Dry eye syndrome
A study published in the Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology shows that acupuncture for dry eye syndrome is effective in improving symptoms. Huang et al., compared patients treated with acupuncture to those who only took lubricant eye drops. They found that patients receiving acupuncture had better patient outcomes and their tear film was more stable and less likely to break down. Further research is needed to determine whether acupuncture is better for dry eye syndrome than the use of artificial tears.
The root cause of dry eye syndrome is a dysfunction in the meibomian glands, which make up only part of the tears. If the glands are inflamed, the tears cannot perform their normal function. Acupuncture treatment for dry eye syndrome can help restore balance and alleviate symptoms. Various herbs and supplements contain omega-3 fatty acids that can help reduce dry eye syndrome symptoms.
Many of the medications used to treat glaucoma work by increasing the flow of fluid out of the eye and decreasing the production of fluid within the eye. Some medications can even work both ways. However, they are expensive and not appropriate for everyone. Another type of treatment is laser surgery. While these methods are effective, they are also expensive and require frequent use. In contrast, acupuncture is an effective treatment for glaucoma that can increase blood flow to the eye and the optic nerve and decrease the pressure behind the eye.
Some doctors may consider acupuncture as a supplement for the traditional management of glaucoma. The NIH and World Health Organization have both discussed acupuncture in their reports on glaucoma. While these studies are not peer-reviewed and do not provide hard evidence, they aim to educate eye doctors about this alternative treatment for glaucoma. As a result, the research team is only beginning to establish protocols.
Lazy eye
Acupuncture treatment for a lazy eye is as effective as patching the eye in some studies. The results of the study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology have led some to believe that acupuncture may one day be a viable alternative treatment for lazy eyes. Although it has not been studied in a controlled way, the results of acupuncture treatments for the lazy eye are promising.
The study, involving 88 children, found that seven out of ten patients with lazy eyes improved their vision by two lines on an eye chart. In contrast, only 17 percent of children receiving eye patches improved their vision. The results were encouraging, but it is important to note that the study was conducted in China and the number of children was small. Furthermore, it is unclear whether acupuncture would be effective in the U.S., as it may not be practical for every patient.