Scar or Incision Placement

Cosmetic surgery is a way of enhancing the appearance of people who are unhappy with an area of their face or body. Cosmetic surgery procedures involve making incisions in the skin. These incisions will heal and leave a scar. This is the body’s process of healing. Scarring is a common concern for many patients.

Fortunately, technological advances and skilled surgeons are able to minimize the amount and size of scars. Surgeons make every effort to use the least amount of incisions. Incisions made for cosmetic surgery should be clean and precise. Surgeons make incisions in areas where the scars will be less noticeable.

1. Incision/Scar Locations for Breast Procedures

Plastic surgeons are very skilled at hiding incisions, as well as making the visible ones as inconspicuous as possible. Some cosmetic surgery scars are very tiny and only become visible after searching the area. Incisions for many breast procedures are often hidden under the fold of the breast or in the areola.

The most common area to make an incision for breast augmentation is in the crease under the breast. The scar will be well hidden under a brassiere or bikini top. Another option is under the nipple in the area of the areola. The incision for breast augmentation can also be made in the armpit.

Another method of minimizing scarring is called the shorter-scar technique. This technique uses very small incisions for breast reduction surgery. It’s most effective for patients who are reducing breast size by one cup. The “lollipop” technique is also used for breast reduction. One incision is made under the nipple and another starts under the nipple and goes downward to the underlying breast crease. Scars will be visible on the lower half of the breast, but will fade very nicely in time.

2. Incision/Scar Locations for Facial Procedures

Plastic surgeons who perform facial procedures are required to study every aspect of facial anatomy. It’s crucial to make incisions in the correct location for facial procedures. Poor incisions can result in unnatural looking results, which cannot be easily hidden. Some cases may require revision surgery to make corrections.

Facial plastic surgeons generally make incisions in the natural lines and creases on the face. Facelift incisions usually follow the hairline. Traditional procedures make the incision around the ear and up to the hairline. More advanced techniques go a little lower to minimize scarring and adverse effects.

Another superior technique makes a short horizontal incision at the side of the ear. This incision cuts near the hair follicles to avoid hair loss. Hair loss can occur when incisions are not properly made and cut directly into the hair follicles. The placement of incisions is very important to the outcome of facial procedures. Faulty incisions can cause unnatural looking results such as the facial area looking too taut.

3. Incision/Scar Locations for Tummy Tuck

tummy tuck incision

Increasing numbers of women are choosing to undergo the procedure for a tummy tuck after having children. Some women get tummy tucks to rid themselves of stubborn belly fat. Incisions and scarring depends on the type of procedure. A full tummy tuck will generally produce scarring around the belly button and at the bikini line. Tummy tuck incisions are typically right above the pubic area. The resulting scar will appear as a horizontal line across the lower pelvis.

This location is ideal because the scar can be completely concealed by most types of underwear and bikini bottoms. Another very small incision is also made around the belly button. This leaves a tiny scar that will be visible, but not unsightly. There may also be a third vertical incision in some cases but it’s not common. The resulting scar from this incision will be vertical from the belly button downward.

The incision in the belly button is made on the inner surface and the abdominal incision is made as low as possible to minimize scarring. A method of suturing by using internal stitches can also be used to minimize scarring. This technique is called progressive tension sutures. Internal stitches help to keep the scar low and shape the stomach area. They also reduce tension on the edges of the skin and make the scar less noticeable. Scars from a tummy tuck will eventually face and appear as a thin white line.

Final Results

Plastic surgeons have extensive training in the latest and best techniques for cosmetic surgery procedures. This includes techniques to minimize incisions and scarring. The results of a patient’s surgery is determined by many factors, but the surgeon of choice is the main one. Candidates for surgery should verify potential surgeons’ credentials and certifications.

Another factor is the particular type of cosmetic surgery that’s being considered. Some surgical procedures require incisions in places that make it difficult to conceal resulting scars. Incisions made in some surgeries may not heal properly or quickly.

A full body lift is an example. Some areas of the body may not heal as well or efficiently as others. Fortunately, incisions for the most commonly requested cosmetic procedures are known to heal well with minimal scarring. These areas are the face, breasts, and abdomen. Each patient is different though and factors like skin type, quality, and healing abilities can all play a role in the healing process and final result.

Genetic differences can also affect your outcome and known conditions should be discussed with your doctor. Incisions and scarring are a part of cosmetic surgery and scarring is permanent. Nonetheless, scars from cosmetic surgery will fade considerably with time.

Dr. William A. Ross is a plastic surgeon that specializes in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. He has an extensive training and experience in performing face lifts, breast enhancement and tummy tuck in Naples, FL. Dr. Ross utilizes traditional and cutting edge therapies to make sure he delivers the best results possible. For more information, visit

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