The method of treatment of muscle activation through exercise is called physical therapy or physiotherapy or ‘physical therapy’. Physiotherapy is considered a health system in which people are tested and treatment is provided so that they can develop and maintain maximum mobility and functioning for a lifetime. It comes under treatment in which the person’s mobility is endangered due to age, injury, illness and environmental factors.
1. Knee pain
Knead pain has become a common problem after one age. The knee bones start rubbing each other when the sineowal fluid present in the knees decreases and the surface becomes ruffled, which causes unbearable pain in the knees. Physiotherapy is a very good option if knee pain is in the initial stage. Expert in this strengthens patient’s muscles through different exercises, which increases the knee age up to 20 years and you do not have to drink pen.
2. Lumbar puncture
Often, there is a problem of back pain in people due to wrong poster or any kind of accident. The problem of low back pain is the highest. Actually, the highest and lumber point of our body is the highest move. There is a problem with Back Pain. In such a situation, if you get physiotherapy, you can get rid of this pain. In back pain or back pain, physiotherapists also treat pain through different exercises.
3. Fracture
The pain that occurs after surgery in the fracture can also be corrected without medication through physiotherapy. With the help of Expert Exercise, it strengthens the muscles around the fracture. In this, mobilization of joint is done, which reduces pain.
4. Asthma
Asthma is changing not only among the elderly but also in younger people. It is a life-threatening disease, which most people suffer from. Physiotherapy may be a good option to overcome this problem. According to the Expert, patients are given different breathing exercises in asthma, which can strengthen the lungs and get rid of asthma.
5. In pregnancy
Physiotherapy is also used in gynecological diseases. Pregnant women are administered different exercises which do not have any problems in delivery. Usually, physiotherapy is given to women before and after delivery. Often the weight of women increases after delivery, the muscles become lousy. Physical therapy is necessary to give correct to the masals.