7 of The Best Pre Workout Ingredients

If you want to have more energy and focus in the gym and increase your gains, then a pre-workout supplement is a step in the right direction. Using a pre workout alongside a good diet and great workout routine can see your gains improve significantly. Below are 7 pre-workout ingredients that can really help you get the most from your workouts and routine.

1. Beta Alanine

Beta alanine is a fantastic nutrient that helps boost endurance training. It is specifically helpful in allowing you to sustain efforts above lactate threshold. If you’re a runner, then you probably already know what a lactate threshold is and how improve that threshold is crucial to getting faster.

If you don’t, then the lactate threshold is the threshold where you body can no longer flush out the lactic acid building up in your muscles. Too much lactic is building up and your body can only flush out so much. What happens when you go over it is you slow down and start to lose momentum.

Beta alanine, when taken for 4-6 weeks regularly, can allow you to train above your lactate threshold regularly and thus improve and increase your gains from your workouts.

As well as increasing muscle endurance, it can also help your build lean mass.

2. BCAAs

BCAAs or branched chain amino acids are found in high protein foods. They are usually known for their post workout benefits but they do have numerous benefits when taken before a workout.

BCAAs cam increase the time you can exercise until exhaustion. This is especially helpful for lifting weights when you need that extra push to do a final rep. BCAAs also help you shed fat too and reduce muscle wasting.

3. MCT Oil

MCT Oil is a form of saturated fatty acid. Saturated fats have been demonised in the Western world but the reality is they are really important to maintain your health and can be great to help you get the most out of your workouts. MCT Oil can improve athletic performance and increase your energy. If you struggle to get going with a workout, MCT oil could be just the boost you need.

MCT oil can also help you shed weight which is always going to boost your workouts if you carry less.

Take it 20 minutes before your workout (1-2 teaspoons) and get an instant shot of energy without getting a sugar spike. Be careful what you are buying though – not all MCT oil is of a good quality so ensure you read reviews before buying.

4. L-Glutamine

L-glutamine is an amino acid that can benefit you during caloric deficits i.e working out. It is particularly helpful with resistance training. During intense workouts, your body’s natural glutamine levels drop dramatically and a supplement can help replenishment them effectively, thus boosting what you are doing.

L-glutamine is also great for the immune system. It can help keep it strong which is always a bonus when workouts can decrease your immune systems capabilities.

5. Alpha GPC

Alpha GPC is a cholinergic compound used to increase power output as well as mental function. It isn’t your usual pre workout but has continued to gain popularity.

Alpha GPC enhances growth hormone production which allows you to build more lean mass and at a faster rate. It also increasing your power output so you can lift more weight or for longer.

6. Acetyl-L-Carnitine

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is involved in energy metabolism and mitochondrial protection. Although it is produced in the body, it can be boosted by taking a supplement. This gives many benefits including reduced fatigue, reduced muscle soreness and fat reduction.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is perfect for giving you the support you need if you find you are tiring too easily during your training. It will also stop you feeling super sore afters too.

7. L-Citrulline

L-citrulline, commonly known as citrulline malate, is an amino acid that’s turned into L-arginine in the kidneys, enhancing nitric oxide (NO) levels in the blood. It is best for decreasing faitgue during exercise as citrulline improves blood flow which lowers overall faitgue during a workout.

Increased blood flow also prevents muscle soreness afterwards too. Citrulline is another supplement that helps increase growth hormone levels and thus gives you better results from your workout as well as increased energy.

These are just 7 ingredients that can are really worth considering when you figure out what to take before working out.

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